Day trip to Camden, ME

February 22, 2018  •  Leave a Comment


It was President's day weekend and my parents came up to visit. I've heard about Camden for a while now but I asked on my instagram for day trip suggestions and Camden was at the top of the list for pretty much everyone that wrote me. So before Friday rolled around I decided Camden would be the place. Then, it snowed all night into late morning the day we were supposed to go. I thought for sure, we weren't going. But Greg was not having it. He knew how much I wanted this day trip and made us all get dressed and rush out the door. 

We stopped at the deli, got some breakfast sandwiches and drove the two hours up the coast. As soon as I saw the scenery I knew it was a good decision.

We got there and it was beautiful! I couldn't wait to hit the trail!

It was a slippery hike but we took our time and took in the scenes. There were a few other hikers here and there but it felt like we had the whole trail all to himself. 


 The top literally took our breath away. What a beauty!


Bella was so happy to reach the top too! She led most of the way and made sure she knew where everyone was the whole time. 

This is not Greg doing some cool mountain man stunt.... this is Greg recovering from his fall =p

We made it to the bottom and took a stroll on the lake. 

After our hike we headed into town. We tried to walk around and we did manage to stop in some really cute shops but we were STARVING and luckily for us one of the shop owners told us where we could find some good sea food.

It didn't take much to convince us and so off we went to Waterfront. A very good restaurant right on the ... you guessed it! I ordered so much food Greg did not think I was going to eat it all but after that hike I consumed every last bit. Also, I was so hungry, there are no photos of this food because I just went in! But check out this view right from the restaurant!



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